This Organic Thai Honey Hong cha was made with Jin Xuan varietal leaves. Normally Jin Xuan is used as an oolong varietal that makes for very floral, milky and creamy lightly oxidized oolongs. In this case the tea producer chose to make a nice Hong Cha that will surprise you as its aromatic profile is very similar to a Mi Xian Honey Fragrance or even Oriental Beauty. This wonderfully aromatic and sweet tea were left to wither in the sun for about 18 hours before being rolled and left to oxidize another 5 hours.
Origin: Chiang Rai, Thailand
Harvest: Summer 2023
Color of liquor: reddish-orange
Aroma: sweet, honey, raspberry, peach, floral, caramel
Flavor: sweet potatoes, honey, fruity chocolate
Temperature: 100ºc
Steeping time: 1,5min; 2min; 3min