This fantastic wild hong cha comes from Zhangping in Fujian province. An area famous for the pressed oolong squares which we have available now as hong cha #506. The leaves themselves are beautiful, clearly hand processed, and of the famous Shui Xian varietal (Water Nymph, Water Fairy, Sprite or Narcissus) which is grown extensively throughout Fujian and in the Wuyi Mountains. So this tea is doubly exciting for being wild and for being made with a varietal we normally encounter processed as Oolong tea.
You’ll find this tea to be invigorating with very fruity notes and a sweet molasses fragrance which is very creamy. Its flavor is sweet and smooth and handles many steepings. Another thing that I love about this tea is that it can be brewed both as Gong Fu or as Bowl Tea making it a wonderful and diverse wild tea that will bring you immense pleasure.
Origin: Zhangping, Fujian, China
Harvest: April, 2024
Color of liquor: bright orange
Aroma: intense, sweet molasses, fruity
Flavor: smooth and sweet, silky, citrus, vanilla
Temperature: 100º c
Steeping Time: 75sec; 1.5min; 2 min...