This extraordinary wild white tea was made with the first fine silvery haired spring buds growing in the wild in Ha Giang, Vietnam. We love early-spring, all-bud, white tea because it contains all the vitality of the very first spring energy following a long, cold, dormant winter hibernating and gathering strength. These buds are thus the essence of spring energy and what makes this tea extra special is that the trees grow in the wild at 2200 meters. Nobody tends after these trees, nobody waters them or adds fertilizers or herbicides... making this white tea a true gem among gems! Don't miss this one!
Origin: Ho Thau, Ha Giang, Vietnam
Harvest: Early April, 2024
Color of liquor: pale yellow
Aroma: sweet, fresh, resin, eucalyptus
Flavor: sweet, soft, honeysuckle, melon
Temperature: 90º c
Steeping time: 1,5 min; 1,5min; 2,5 min...